It’s all in the stars!
Are you one of those people who simply have to ‘check your stars’ every time you open a newspaper? If so you are not alone because every single day millions of ordinary people across the world read their daily astrological forecast or prediction (called a ‘horoscope’) in order to find out what the future holds in store for them. Are they going to meet someone special? Is good fortune just around the corner or is it going to be a day not to take risks?
For some of us reading our horoscope is nothing more than harmless entertainment – something to read in the daily newspaper during the morning coffee break. For many people though it is something to be taken much more seriously and is not only an important checkpoint before important decision making but also an integral part of their lifestyle.
But what exactly is Astrology all about? Is it just antiquated nonsense as many scientists believe – or is there something more to it after all?
Originally ‘Western Astrology’, as opposed to ‘Indian’ or ‘Asian’ Astrology (which seems to have developed independently) was synonymous with the study of Astronomy rather than considered as a separate discipline. Archaeologically it was found in its most developed form in ancient Babylon from where it spread outward to other nations. It arrived in Greece about the middle of the 4th century B.C. and reached Rome before the advent of the Christian era. With the introduction of Greek culture into Egypt, both Astronomy and Astrology were actively studied in the region of the Nile during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Astrology was further developed by the Arabs from the 7th to the 13th century, and in the European courts of the 14th and 15th centuries Astrologers were highly sought after by royalty and other rich patrons.
The Mayans and the Aztecs of Central America also developed their own form of Astrology using surprisingly sophisticated forms of mathematics. Other cultures and civilizations around the world also created their own Astrological systems particularly in the Indian subcontinent and China where today it still remains an important aspect of the culture along with other forms of divination such as I-Ching. The ‘horoscope’, which is the main tool of the Astrologer, is the name given to the chart that shows the position of all the astronomical bodies (planets and stars etc) at a specific point in time (usually at the time of an individual’s birth) Astrology is therefore based on the premise that this chart can then be used to ascertain the ‘potentiality’ of certain events happening during the life of that individual.
Historically the terms ‘Astrology’ and ‘Astronomy’ have long been closely related. An Astrologer is essentially an interpreter of celestial phenomena who studies the supposed correlations between the positions of various heavenly objects based on the belief that there is an inextricable link between the Earth and the Stars and therefore the time and date of everyone’s birth would not only have a causal link to specific zodiac signs with their own special characteristics but would also, to a large extent, determine their ultimate destiny. So ingrained were these beliefs that even Kings and Queens would appoint their own personal Astrologers to help them choose the most auspicious times to sign treaties or introduce new laws etc. An Astronomer on the other hand takes a more scientific approach and studies the motions of the heavenly bodies including things like the phases of the moon and timing of eclipses.
Logically, according to the purely scientific viewpoint, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that the movements of the stars and planets relative to the Earth have any direct influence on individuals or their destiny. For years experts in astrophysics, geology, astronomy, chemistry, biology and environmental science have delved deeper and deeper into the mysteries of nature and our level of knowledge has grown exponentially to such a degree that today some of the most profound workings of the universe are now well understood. And it seems to the academics that the more that we learn about the universe the less credence we should give to Astrology which many believe should now be consigned to history as a ‘quaint but naive’ notion invented by our ancestors. And yet, for some reason, Astrology just won’t go away!
However, whether you believe in Astrology or not there is no doubt that something disconcerting is starting to happen in scientific circles that have profound implications for our understanding of how we are connected to the universe as a whole. Biologists have known for a long time that the human body is not somehow a separate ‘entity’ from the natural world but an intrinsic part of it. Whether it is menstrual cycles correlated to the phases of the moon, migraines initiated from atmospheric pressure, elation in the presence of air charged with negative ions or mood swings relating to the weather there seems to be a growing awareness, supported by detailed research that each of us is fundamentally an intrinsic part of the natural world and our bodies are in constant interaction with it. As more and more research is carried out on things like atmospheric pressure, sun spot activity, gravitational fluctuations and planetary movements scientists are now starting to admit that many aspects of our lives like hormone levels, moods, health etc are indeed subtly influenced by forces emanating from the stars. In other words maybe there is more to Astrology than the sceptics like to think.
It is difficult for us to understand today just how important Alchemy and Astrology were up until the twentieth century. Alchemy gradually evolved into the well respected science we today call Chemistry, but Astrology seems to have taken a different direction. Instead of gaining credibility and evolving into a respectable science it has instead become more of a sub-culture amusement activity equated with harmless ‘fortune telling’.
Today we can check our stars in the daily papers or on the Internet, we can phone “professional” astrologers to give us personal readings or we can even buy magazines or books dedicated to our own personal birth sign. Whether you are believer or non believer though, it seems that Astrology is here to stay and whether you are a Libra or a Virgo, a Taurus or a Capricorn there will always be those days when your horoscope is surprisingly accurate and sends a little shudder down your spine.
I have just read my stars in the morning paper. It says that today I should relax and not worry about anything too much. Thank the stars!