Beer Glorious Beer
The thing about beer is that most people tend to either love it or hate it. To those who love it beer can be the nectar of the Gods but to those who hate it the taste can be just about as palatable as wet cardboard. Beer though is a very general term for something that in reality is very complex. Mankind has been drinking beer in some shape or form for over two thousand years and the demand for...
Read MoreGet a life ! – Get a Life Coach !
Are you making the most of your life? Or do you still wake up some mornings feeling unfulfilled and unsure about what the future holds for you? If you are totally focussed on your life’s objectives, using every possible opportunity to maximise your inner potential and enjoying a rewarding and contented lifestyle then congratulations – you are one of the 1% of the population who is already...
Read MoreWonderful YHA
Picture the scene. You have been out walking in the mountains all day enjoying the magnificent scenery and fresh air and now the sun is going down and your legs are starting to ache. What you desire more than anything is to take off your walking boots, to find somewhere to sit down and relax followed by a shower, a good meal and a comfy bed. A nice hotel would be nice but sometimes nice hotels...
Read MoreIt’s all in the stars!
Are you one of those people who simply have to ‘check your stars’ every time you open a newspaper? If so you are not alone because every single day millions of ordinary people across the world read their daily astrological forecast or prediction (called a ‘horoscope’) in order to find out what the future holds in store for them. Are they going to meet someone special? Is good fortune just around...
Read MoreOnce upon a time…
For many children the world over, memories of childhood include listening to wonderful stories whether at home or at school. Some stories are soon forgotten but others remain firmly embedded in our memories and stay there for our whole life. Some of the most enduring stories that are told to children and passed down the generations from grandparents to parents are known as ‘Fairy tales’ and are...
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