I reckon you should buy me a pint – I’ve just won a quiz!
Did you happen to read the recent news report about banning mobile phones from pub quizzes? According to a reporter from the BBC “The integrity of pub quizzes used to be beyond question, but the advent of text messaging in the late 1990s has heralded an era of cheating. Otherwise honest people, corrupted by a combination of alcohol and the desire to win promotional t-shirts, are now reduced to...
Read MoreBeam Me Up Scottie!
Just when you thought every possible use of a mobile phone had been thought of, engineers in Japan have created a mobile phone that could be the perfect solution for prying bosses wanting to keep tabs on the movements of their staff. I’ve always been interested to hear about new innovations or new uses for mobile technology. This one though (technically speaking), is a real gem! Japanese phone...
Read MoreThe cult of celebrity – get me out of here!
I’m sorry but I just don’t get it. I’m well aware that it is probably just me and no doubt it is a genetic flaw in my personality – but is there anyone else out there who, like me, just doesn’t get the cult of celebrity? You see I just don’t understand why so many people are fixated by so many dreary and untalented individuals just because they appear on TV....
Read MoreThe day “The News” changed forever
On January 15th 2009 an event occurred that changed history forever, though at the time very few people realised it. It was the day US Airways Flight 1549, a scheduled commercial passenger flight left New York City to fly to Charlotte, North Carolina as it had done many times before. Three minutes after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport the plane struck a flock of Canada Geese while still climbing...
Read More“Mum…Grandpa’s started twittering again…”
Although it seems hard to believe now it was only in the early 1980’s that home computing moved out of the realms of science fiction and into the homes of ordinary people. In only a few short years scientists had managed to scale down computers from something that filled a whole room with valves and wires to a small square box that could sit on a desk. Even then computing was really only for the...
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