It’s all in the stars!

Are you one of those people who simply have to ‘check your stars’ every time you open a newspaper? If so you are not alone because every single day millions of ordinary people across the world read their daily astrological forecast or prediction (called a ‘horoscope’) in order to find out what the future holds in store for them. Are they going to meet someone special? Is good fortune just around...
Read More“Mum…Grandpa’s started twittering again…”

Although it seems hard to believe now it was only in the early 1980’s that home computing moved out of the realms of science fiction and into the homes of ordinary people. In only a few short years scientists had managed to scale down computers from something that filled a whole room with valves and wires to a small square box that could sit on a desk. Even then computing was really only for the...
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